As the 21st Century came near to a start, We find an increasingly health conscious western searching for effective alternatives to the rising cost and unhealthy side effect of modern medicine. In Sri Lanka ,on the other hand, we have had for the last couple of millennia a “user-friendly”form of traditional medicine called “AYURVEDA” that is still practiced throughout the country. over 75% of island’s population depends on it. It is and ancient system of medicine which developed in the Indian sub Continent centuries before the so-called “farther of medicine”,Hippocrates, was born in Europe. The name comes from two Sanskrit word ayuh (life) and veda (science or knowledge).It is basically a science of healthy living and has two aims.
1) To preserve health
2) To cure the body when afflicted by disease
One of the fundamental belief of Ayurveda is the doctrine of Tri Dosha or the Three vital Forceces. These three , vayu, pitha and kapha have been inaccurately translated in to English as Wind. Bile and Phlegm there by being confused with the bodily “Humorous” of the Greek philosophers.
A more correct interpretation of vayu is the phenomenon of energy transmission within the body; in modern medical terms, nerve impulses, muscle contraction and hormonal activity. Pitta does not refer simply to bile or even the “chollericke humor” mentioned by Shakespeare; rather , it signifies the whole scope of metabolism and internal heat production. Kapha means mucus, often described as “Protective fluid”. The relatively modern concept of mucus as an antibody containing liquid which coats and protects internal linings of the body, seems to fit in with Ayurvadic thinking.
When the three doshas are in normal equilibrium, the body is in good health. When this equilibrium is disturbed ,when some derangement occurs in the balance of these complimentary forces, then illness is the results.
As far as it’s preventive aspects are concentrated, ayurveda recommends coeds for healthy living including dietary and socio-cultural norms. Certain foods are considered good, while the partaking of others (such as red meat) is discouraged .Vagitarianism and consumption of dairy products such as milk and curd are advocated. Drinking alcohol and smoking are frowned upon. Basic practices of hygiene such as drinking boiled water and washing one’s hands before touching foods are fundamental.
Ayurvadic practitioners have their own method of diagnosing disease , by relying on the five senses .interrogation of the patient and his family, inspection, palpation, auscultation, percussion and observation of smells form the basis of clinical examination; supplementary laboratory test and X-rays play no parts in Ayurvadic diagnosis.
Ayurvedists maintain that they study the patient as a whole with the object of restoring normality, while western medicine specializing merrily attacking the desease. There is a saying that western medicine classifies germs and attempts to destroy them. Ayurvadic medicine claimed to be non toxic, and is geared top restoring the body’s natural resistance and immunity.
The first line of treatment for many diseases is pancha karma or five –pronged evacuative therapy.This is design to rid the body of toxins and is achieved by special diets and herbal decoctions.
The preparation of ayurvadic medication is usually a cumbersome and tedious process. Metals, for example , are subjected to high temperatures before being ground with herbal juices in a pestle for a prescribed period of time.Herbal extracts are made by boiling parts of plants and then allowing the resulting liquid to simmer until it is reduced to a fraction of it’s original volume.Ghee forms the basis for many preparations. Besides decoctions, wines,pills and powders for internal use, ayurveda also uses poultices, pastes, ointments and oils for external application.
The potential of ayurveda in today’s world is underlined by a multi-million dollar joint venture undertaken by scientist from Sri Jayawardanepura university of Sri Lanka and the un8iversity of Utrecht in the Netherlands. The project has as it’s objective the collecting of information and scientific study of ayurvadic remedies in Sri Lanka. Already over 150 species of local herbs and plants used in the preparation of aurvadic medicine have been studied.
Researchers are collecting data from ayurvadic practitioners throughout the country, some of whose knowledge has been acquired by oral transmission from farther to son over the centuries. Information is also being obtained by pursuing ancient hand written ola leaf manuscript and yellow tomes. long hidden in private libraries.Other researchers are analyzing pharmacological actions of these remedies in a modern fully equipped laboratory which has been donated by the Dutch government to the Chemistry department at Sri Jayawardenapura University.
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