Polonnaruwa Sri Lanka‘s medieval capital was established as the city of the land in 11th century A.D.
Polonnaruwa replaced Anuradhapura as the capital city of Sri Lanka, Because of the invasion of south India.It was the capital of Sri Lanka from 11 AD to 13 AD.The important kings of, Polannaruwa period are, King Wijayabahu the first, King Maha Parakramabahu the first and King Nissankamalla.
When the South Indian Kings ruling the country, the Prince called Keerthi of the Sri lanka formed an army and came to attack. The South Indian King who occupied Anuradhapura. He defeated the South Indian King and become the King of Sri Lanka as Wijebahu the First.
He did not have time to develop the country but he united the country. Later the King had chance to the develop the country Wijebahu built his palace In Anuradhapura and he shifted the capital to Polonnaruwa.During Polonnaruwa period lot of developments took place. in irrigation paddy cultivation and agricultural Products.
Because of this foreign trade was done between South Asia, Arab and China. The most important King during this period was King Maha Parakramabahu the first he ruled tire country from 1153 AD to 1186 AD. During his period he built 165 dams 3000 canals, 163 major and 2376 minor tanks. Of all these the biggest tank was Parakrama Samadra.He was very interested in irrigation work and architecture. He united Sri Lanka in 1153 AD. He died in 1186 AD. After his death the Sinhalese kingdom began to break n due to civil war and foreign attacks.
At the end of 13 century the glory of Sri Lanka faded. For 70 years Sri Lanka was ruled by Cholas from South India.
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During the period of three Kings Buddhism was unified and helped the Sanga to perform Katikawatha at Gal Vihara. The three Kings built monuments such as Ata dage Wata dage, Hata Dage. Thuparama, Nissankalatha mandapaya, Lankathilaka, Manik Vihara, Kiri Vehera, Gal Vihara, - Rankoth Vihara, Thivanka Pilimage, Pabalu Vehera, Siva Devala, Sath Mahal prasadaya and Demala Maha Seya
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