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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bird's in Sri lanka (Part 5)

Lanka Pitha-Kan Kondaya - Sri Lanka yellow-eared Bulbul

Lanka Petha-Kan Kondaya
Endemic & Threatened Birds in Sri Lanka
Local Name : TheYellow-Eared Bulbul
Scientific Name : Pycnontus penicilatus (Blyth)

2. This Bird is not a shy bird. It is usually found in pairs or in small flocks. It feeds mainly on both fruits and insects.

The main breeding season is in February-May and the secondary breeding season is in August-October. There nest is a stout mass of green moss with a deep well lined with fine rootlets or other fibers. Two white or pink ground-colour eggs are measure about 23.4×16.7 mm.

3. This bulbul is an up-country bird. It is not common below 4000 feet. It frequents jungle, wooded ravines and well-wooded gardens.

Lanka Arangaya - Sri Lanka Whistling Thrush

Lanka Arangaya
Endemic & Threatened Birds in Sri Lanka
Local Name : Sri Lankan Whistling -Thrust
Scientific Name : Myiophoneus blighi

1. Head and neck is black in color. Shoulder, dorsal area and brest are dark blue. Bright blue shoulder patch can be seen in male. Flight fethers rump,main tail are blackish bround.Beak and feet are black. Iris is broun. Belly is brown

Female is more browner. Her shoulder patch is pale. The plumage of imature bird is more beown with little blue.

2. This bird is very shy. They prefer thick under groths. Sometimes it comes out. It can be seen hunting or singing on sticks or rocks beside streams. They prey on creatures like insects, geckos.
The breeding season lies from March to May. But the April is more important. They make the nest on banks or on branchers of 5-10 feet tall tree. The neat is cup shaped. The “Varalla” and ferns are used as main building materials. Inside the nest is made out of
dead leaves. About two white color eggs with pale and red brown colored patches and
strips are laied at a time. But most of the time only a one offspring is born. Haching is done by female, but the feeding is done by both male and female.

3. They live hidden in place with water flowa at about 3000 feet elevations. They can be seen in thick under growths near flowing streams….They are recorded in Haggala Horton place. Today they are restricted to the higher elevations of central hills. This bird is difficult to find due to it’s shyness.

Lanka Thitpiya Thirasikya - Sri Lanka Spot-winged Thrush

Lanka Thithpiya Thirasikaya
Endemic & Threatened Birds in Sri Lanka
Local Name : The Spotted-Winged Thrush
Scientific Name : Zoothera spiloptera (Blyth)

1. Between the bulbul and the mynah in size. Sexes alike. The young rather closely resemble the female Pied Ground Thrush, but many be distinguished by the characteristic facial pattern of the white and black, which is similar to that of the adult.

2. It is rather shy but also inquisitive; a singing male easily decoyed within sight by whistling an imitation of its song, which is rich, varied and sweet-toned performance, usually uttered from a perch in the lower branches of the tree-canopy. It feeds on insects, worms, etc., and probably also on berries.

They have two breeding seasons. One is in March-April and other is in August-November. The nest is placed in a fork of a sapling, balanced on cardamom-fronds, or in the crown of a tree-fern, etc., in forest. The two eggs laid are measure about 26.8×19.7 mm.

3. This thrush is found throughout the hills, ascending to 7,000 feet; throughout the low-country wet zone; and in scattered localities in the dry zone, but its main habitat seems to lie between the 500 and 5,000 feet contours. It is a bird of forest, or well-wooded country.

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