The Great Eggfly
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Hypolimnas misipus
Common. Found throughout the island preferring forested areas. Takes part in migrations. The male flies faster than the female, sometimes settling in the sunshine while opening and closing his wings. Sexes differ.
The Glassy Tiger
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Danaus aglea
Common. Found at all elevations in the southern half of the island; rare in the north. Takes part in migrations. Sometimes seen resting in small numbers in the shade of the forest during the heat of the day. Flight slow and lazy. Sexes similar. Female mimicked by the Dark Wanderer. Both sexes mimicked by the Common Mime.
Ceylon Hedge Blue
Endemic Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family : Lycaenidae
Scientific Name : Udara lanka
Uncommon. Confined to Sri Lanka only. Found near trees in the mid high hills. Flight weak and fairly low, and when settled the wings are closed. Male often settles on damp earth. Sexes similar, but female paler above with dark borders.
The Red Helen
Endemic Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Papilio helenus
Uncommon. Found in the wet zone forests of the hills, Flight fast and strong. Sometimes flying above streams. Male occasionally settles on damp earth. When resting with wings open, the forewing is drawn back over the light patch of the hindwing. Sexes similar.
The Common Indian Crow
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Euploea core
Very Common. Found throughout the island in all types of country. Takes part in migrations. Flight slow and lazy, fond of settling on damp earth. Sexes similar but female has no white bar on upper forewing; she is mimicked by the female Great Eggfly, both sexes of the Common Palmfly and the Common Mime.
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