The Tailed Jay
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Graphium agamemnon
Common. Found in woodland areas throughout the island, preferring the south. Takes part in migrations. A restless flight; males fond of flowers, especially Lantana, Sexes similar, but female has a longer tail.
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Delias eucharis
common. Found throughout the island, wherever there are trees; rare above mid hills. Flight weak, female tends to fly high; male often visits flowers, and during the dry weather settles on damp earth. Sexes similar, but female is more heavily marked.
The Lime Butterfly
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Papilio demoleus
Very Common. Found in the lowlands and foothills, rare at higher altitudes, in open areas and where citrus trees grow. Takes part in migrations. Flight fast and straight , occasionally gathering at puddles to drink. Sexes similar.
Endemic Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Papilio polymnestor
Uncommon. Found throughout the island; rare in the hills. Takes part in migrations. Frequents jungles and open woodlands, the male often visiting damp earth. Flight fast and bounding. Sexes differ; the male having no white band. Very variable in size.
Tree Nymph
Endemic Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family : Idea iasonia
Scientific Name : Danaidae
Uncommon. Found in the lowlands to high hills, in forests near streams; rare in the north and east. Flight very slow with much gliding, Sexes similar, very variable in size and pattern.
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