The Blue Oak Leaf
Endemic Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family : Nymphalidae
Scientific Name : Kallima philarchus
Uncommon. Found in lowlands to higher hills, wherever there is heavy forest. Takes part in migrations. Flight tast and erratic. When settled the butterfly turns head down so that it resembles a withered leaf hanging from a twig. Sexes similar, but the apex of the female's forewing is more rounded.
Endemic Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family : Satyridae
Scientific Name : Elymnias singala
Uncommon. Found in the Kandy district (500m) and other similar elevations, keeping close to cover. Flight slow and steady, settling frequently, generally with wings closed. Sexes similar.
The Gray Pansy
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Precis attlites
Common. Found in the lowlands and foothills, except in the northern province; rare above the mid hills. Prefers paddyfields in wet areas. Takes part in migrations. Flight strong, often settling on flowers. Sexes similar.
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Papilio crino
Uncommon. Found in wooded areas of the lowlands to high hills, except the extreme north. Prefers the low country dry zone, rare in the hills. Takes part in migrations. Males often congregate on damp earth. Flights fast. Sexes similar, but female duller.
The Crimson Rose
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Atrophaneura hector
Common. Found in most habitats of the lowlands and foothills, more plentiful in the dry zone, and rare in the hills. Takes part in migrations. Flight leisurely, fast if disturbed; fond of flowers, especially Lantana. Sexes similar but female duller. Female mimicked by the Common Mormon.
The Common Sailor
Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family :
Scientific Name : Neptis hylas
Uncommon. Found throughout the island, usually only seen flying at dawn and dusk. Flight fast; male often settles on damp rocks, sand and etc. Sexes similar.
Ceylon Tiger
Endemic Butterflies in Sri Lanka
Family : Danaidae
Scientific Name : Parantica taprobana
Uncommon. Found in mid to higher hills, normally in cultivation. Flight slow. Sexes similar, very variable in size.
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